Wednesday, July 7, 2010

King James Day

Hello there,

Well tomorrow is the day Lebron James will let us know what city he will call home for the 2010-2011 NBA season. It baffles me how this 25-year-old basketball player is holding the league and the sports world in his hands. Everyone is waiting on him to say the word! And they have given him a ONE hour special on ESPN for a FIVE second answer to the question on every NBA fan's mind. Do not get me wrong, I will be tuned in at 8pm my time to see where KING JAMES will play ball next year.

I must admit that this free agent craze has me excited for the NBA season next year. I cannot wait to see how these players do with their new teams or new collaborations of big players. I will be watching more Miami Heat games to see how the newly formed D. Wade and Chris Bosh duo turns out. Experts say that with this collaboration, the Heat could be the best team in the Eastern Conference! Interesting! Could Bosh be what Wade needs to get back to that championship and win a ring like he did when Shaq joined his team? Then there is talk that Lebron could still make his way to Miami. He is said to be in Miami meeting with Pat Riley! hmmmm..... But I honestly do not think that he will go for the lesser salary cap. But then again anything can happen and these three guys may have something up their sleeves to try and become a power house. They could be trying to form another Celtic team with more than one all-star on the team. Now I am not a Celtic fan! I was born to dislike the team due to the fact that I am a Laker fan through and through. I do though recognize a good team and players when I see one. And the Celtics have some great players working together. {and yes the best team came out on top ;-) in the finals this year}

My prediction is Lebron stays in Cleveland like I said before. He will get to play for the former NBA player, Byron Scott who knows a little something about winning championships. Lebron always wanted to play for a former player. But his heart is in Cleveland and that is where he belongs. One thing though, where ever he plays, a ring will not come his way until the 2011-2012 season because my Lakers will three-peat and give Phil Jackson a great exit from basketball with his 13th Championship!! :-)

The suspense will all be over tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with ALMOST everything you THE LAKERS WILL NOT 3, I strongly believe and hope that he goes to the Chicago Bulls, but a part of me is thinking that he is gonna stay home. Only thing is even tho Byron Scott is a great coach, he will not be out on the court physically helping Lebron if he stays in Cleveland. He needs more help point blank period. Until they give him what he needs as a Cav I don't ever see him going all the way with that team.
